Tuesday 25 March 2008

Let's Get Serious

It's the last few days of my annual leave and come Friday I'll be moving back into the old familiar routine of work. At least I have just the one day and then the weekend, so it will be something of a gentle reintroduction, but the thought of returning causes me to feel discontent. As I've been thinking about the need to balance light and dark, earth and sky - those aspects of me that are different, yet necessary to make the whole, somehow returning to a job that increasingly is causing me to question so much on so many levels just doesn't sit comfortably. I've some deep searching to do on this one and also, I think, I need to be scaringly honest with myself and those around me. I need to be making some firm decisions, setting my intention and setting my course as opposed to being blown hither and thither. It's me who needs to be setting the direction, the course as opposed to be allowing the course to be set for me. It's a call, I think, for me get serious about my magickal work and putting the things I've been learning over the years into practice.


Ffraid said...

Andy,its interesting how the equinox raises issues on so many levels. I agree,it's a good time to sow the seeds of intention.May the forthcoming year yield a productive and bountiful harvest.
Thank you for this inspirational space-the clips of Glastonbury are especially welcome.I will cerainly nominate you for the first pagan bafta!
Bright Blessings,
Cerridwen Stormcrow

Andy said...

Bless you Ceri - but I think a Pagan Bafta is a long way off!!! I want to make a little video of Burrow Hill - so watch this space! I feel drawn there, but I've not got there just yet!

Brightest of Blessings, Andy

Ffraid said...

I'm unfamiliar with Burrow Hill,but my special place was always within the white spring building at the base of the tor.The energy was amazing there at Lughnasadh 2oo6.

Andy said...

The energy around the Tor and the White Spring is always powerful, I agree. To take a 'walking meditation' up the steps to the top of the Tor and St Michael's Tower is always an experience - I'd recommend it to anyone!