Wednesday 7 May 2008


As I continue to meditate on the Death card I can see that this is about a move into deeper truth and reality. It's about a letting go of pretence and show, a dropping of those things that perhaps only work to serve self, and an embracing of those things of a Higher Purpose. This is not about spiritual fluff, it's about spiritual reality and depth. It's like all that has gone before has been about preparing the land, now it's time to actually grow something!

At the time of Greening this is about 'becoming'. It's a real, active, dynamic and purposeful step into that which is of substance. It's a moving into the reality of what it means to be witch.

Self knowledge and self awareness although crucial are not enough. This awareness needs to lead to change, a genuine and active leaving of the past, a stepping out of those old patterns, those old reactions and intra-actions and an embracing of a whole new way of being. It's like seeing with shadow eyes, where everything looks slightly different because one is seeing with different vision - starlight vision. The shadows are deeper and everything has slightly shifted because it's a different reality. This is about moving to a different consciousness.

This is a journey of moving out of bondage and restriction into true freedom and liberation. This is true transformation and in a way it's not about moving forward, but moving back, becoming that person I was at the beginning, that person I was always intended to be. Neither is it simply about parapsychology, rather it's about powerful spiritual reality. In the power of Spirit one can shape ones own destiny, one assumes control because that control has been returned. One lives, moves, speaks with the power and authority of Goddess and God.

This all demands the requirement of daring to look deep inside at those things that have remained hidden for so long. Those deep, dark fears that motivate behaviours and a period of daring to be honest with oneself - what is it that really, honestly and truly motivates me? Hanging onto those negative patterns, even those things that seem well meaning, will only work to hinder growth.

It's time to become transparent and authentic, there's no other way forward.


Anonymous said...

Bravery in spades; that's what's required for this sort of manoeuvre. Many of us never reach the requisite stage of bravery and honesty about the self. Good on you, Andy!

Andy said...

Thanks TGW! Yes, this can be difficult, and in a way it needs to be for it to be real, but I think it's also something of a continual process. However, it's a bit like peeling an onion I find - just when you think you're out the other side, you're presented with another layer that needs to come off!

Anonymous said...

Onion - excellent! lol!