Thursday 8 May 2008

A Place Of Rest

I'm aware of the importance of being in a place of rest to enable all that I've been talking about to happen. There needs to be something of a drawing apart, a finding of that still, quiet place. Often that place will seem like the eye of the storm because from it one can see everything happening round about whilst one sits in that still, quiet place. It's like finding a cave whilst the storm blows all around you. One can observe the turmoil and angst from this vantage point and it's possible to really look deep inside from here.

There is a lot going on in my life that has the potential to sap and drain my energy and take me to a place where I cease to be productive - where I can become full of negativity. Significant changes at work, among other things. It's easy to simply see these as mundane things but the issue is how I choose to interact and engange with these things. I don't have to give the negative power, but it's only by understanding myself that I will be in a position to step back. This is starting to happen, but it needs to happen more! Also, internalising these things will not help either, it calls for an entirely different style of response.

There's a testing that's required, an evaluation of what is really happening and how I need to respond and what needs to be abandoned. It's not about a seeking of freedom, it's not about a desire to be set free, it's about moving into a spiritual place where I am empowered to set myself free. This is personal and spiritual empowerment.

1 comment:

Ffraid said...

Someone once told me that you can't change other people, situations, etc but you can change your perception of it. This of course is easier said than done!Changing the way we think and letting go of ingrained repeated behaviours and processes is not easy.I find it helps to step out of the frame for a while and retreat within.Freedom is a state of mind. Ever watched that film 'Brazil'? You are right, this is spiritual empowerment.It can be very difficult but I think that we are all being held from a place of love, and it's this that keeps me going! Ceri,x